The 6th ASCOPE Mid-Year Task Force and its asscociated meetings hosted by PTT Public Company Limited (PTT) were successfully organised from 3rd - 5th August, 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Group photo at the 6th ASCOPE Mid-Year Task Force meeting
At the meeting, ASCOPE Secretariat and Task Forces’ Chairpersons updated work progress in line with Key Performance Indicators adopted by ASCOPE Council. Under the energy transition towards a low – carbon future, ASCOPE has established a new Task Force on clean energy which plans to focus on four main areas: Renewables (Solar, Wind), Hydrogen, CCUS and Green Mobility. The meeting acknowledged constructive comments from participants to move ASCOPE forward. As such, ASCOPE Secretary-in-charge Dr. Tran Hong Nam expressed high appreciation and thanks to all Task Force members’valuable contributions and Country Coordinators’close collaboration extended to ASCOPE activities.