The 47th ASCOPE Council Meeting hosted by Lao State Fuel Company (LSFC) in coordination with ASCOPE Secretariat was held virtually on 21st November 2022.
In the opening remarks at the 47th ASCOPE Council Meeting, Mr. Sysangkhome KHOTNHOTHA, Managing Director from Lao State Fuel Company (LSFC), ASCOPE Council Member for Lao PDR emphasized that ASCOPE as a regional collaboration platform among oil and gas companies/organisations in ASEAN will use collective strength and effort towards advancing the low-carbon energy transition for sustainable growth.
Following the agenda, the meeting honorably welcomed Mr. Keisuke Sadamori, Director of Energy Markets and Security from International Energy Agency (IEA) to share updates on global energy outlook. Under the context, Mr. Sadamori shared perspective on the energy crisis today and the need for massive surge in clean energy investment to acccelerate energy transition. In such regards, the CEO Sharing Section received meaningful discussion and sharing among ASCOPE Council Members.
With natural gas as one of the transitional energy sources towards low-carbon future, to date, ASCOPE’s Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP) Project has connected six (6) ASEAN Member States through 13 interconnection bilateral pipelines with a total length of 3,631 km and nine (9) LNG regasification terminals with a combined total capacity of 38.75 MTPA. The Meeting noted update from Gas Advocacy Task Force on the development of new regasification terminals in the region, especially in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam that will allow ASEAN to continue expanding the region’s gas distribution networks.
To move ASCOPE forward, ASCOPE Secretary- In- Charge Dr. Tran Hong Nam and Task Forces’ Chairpersons reported on work progress in 2022 and planned activities for 2023 in line with Key Performance Indicators. ASCOPE Council expressed high appreciation for the effort and looked forward to ASCOPE Secretariat and Task Forces’ continued contributions and Country Coordinators’ extensive collaboration towards ASCOPE’s sustainable and outcome - based development. As for the newly established Clean Energy Task Force, ASCOPE Council looked forward to business- building initiatives on clean energy to advance collaboration among ASCOPE Members in the time to come.
Photo: Group Photo of the 47th ASCOPE Council Meeting